Cannabis has a complex relationship with cardiovascular health. For those who have a history of heart disease, there are a number of both pros and cons. Cannabis can reduce stress and hypertension in those who are otherwise healthy, but those who have prior heart problems ought to be aware that, after the first hour of smoking cannabis, a raised heart rate, dilated blood vessels and making the heart pump harder are all common side-effects. This may potentially increase the risk of a heart attack. However, one study shows that “amongst older adults with hypertension, cannabis treatment for 3 months was associated with a reduction in 24-hours systolic and diastolic blood pressure values with a nadir at 3 hours after cannabis administration.” This means that cannabinoids may help reduce blood pressure over a longer period of time.
Cannabinoids may also be extremely helpful for reducing inflammation and anxiety, and CBD may even help treat congestive heart failure. So, whilst cannabis may not help treat heart attacks specifically, it may help treat conditions that can lead to heart attacks, such as diabetes, obesity or stress. Some of the dangers of cannabis can be mitigated by avoiding smoking it, as well as maintaining a healthy diet and BMI via exercise, appripriate amounts of sleep and eating nourishing foods full of flavonoids.