Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) involves repeated, sudden (not constant) episodes of impulsive, angry and violent behavior or verbal outbursts in which the person reacts grossly out-of-proportion to the situation. Although there is no known cause of IED, those who have a history of other mental disorders are at an increased risk of having IED.
As with so many mental health problems and cannabis, the relationship is complex. Cannabinoids like THC and CBD may help treat conditions related to IED, such as depression and anxiety. Cannabis may also help quell anger and help a person assess their situation in a more calm manner.
On the other hand, aggressive behavior has been linked to cannabis withdrawal as well, but there are often many confounding variables (e.g. abuse of other substances, poverty) that make it difficult to say for sure whether or not cannabis alone is the cause of IED. Some may have IED, and use cannabis “unofficially” (and perhaps not using the right product for themselves) to treat their condition. “Could we be getting the cart before the horse?” Is a reasonable question to ask.